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What Is A Rig Adapter?

What Is A Rig Adapter?

A rig adapter is a type of hollow short pipe with joints at either ends. It is used to connect the dab rig with a drop-down, down-stem, or vapor dome.

Why do you need an adapter?

Any seasoned smoker knows an adapter is important for a few reasons:

[if !supportLists]• [endif]First, not only is it efficient but it is economical - who says smokers can’t be smart too? It enables your rig to become more than just a rig by connecting to a glass smoking bowl, the adapter will ensure you smoke with the convenience of a bowl but smoke quality smoke with your rig.

[if !supportLists]• [endif]Second, convenience. Rig adapters are small, usually not more than 15cm long while the width can vary but most are either 14mm or 18mm. Some glass adapters can connect your dab rig with a nail which may be different in size from the rig itself. This is especially possible because most dab rig adapters are designed to ensure they can get connected to a number of smoking tools. Intriguing right?

[if !supportLists]• [endif]Third, design ability. Most adapters are simple in nature since their functions are also simple so it can be rare to find a sophisticated adapter. Most however, can either be straight or angled. Angled adapters look better and can be comfortable to hold and use. When connecting them with a glass pipe for example, they get through easily but seal the openings to prevent any possible leakage.

You may be asking yourself if there are other types of adapters other than glass.

The answer is yes.

You can find quartz, titanium, ceramic, or glass adapters on most online head shops at an affordable price. Glass rig adapters seem to be the most popular in the market. Glass adapters fit properly with any other smoking tool and are also very affordable.

Purchasing A Rig Adapter Discreetly can be difficult but not with us.

You can buy from a good online smoke shop any type of adapter you want and get it shipped to you fast and discreetly. Our smoke shop is especially adept in that field as we value the concerns of our customers very importantly. We understand that some smokers have their good reasons for not wanting to make what they purchase public. We therefore, respect you and give you what you need.

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